I am not SuperMom.
I mean...I am super and I am a mom, but I am not SuperMom. You know, the woman who flies around with a cape, does everything with a smile and has boundless energy.
Most days, I concentrate on what is the next thing I need to do and how I'm going to get there with the least amount of energy spent so that I can fall into bed at night, wondering how I got so little done. I do try to do it all with a smile and a kind word to all those around me, but ... well, sometimes I don't do so well with that. My buttons get pushed. I forget to be thankful. I have so many small interruptions that frequently I feel so scattered and discombobulated I can't even move the muscles on my face into anything other than a look of sheer frustration.
And while I am working on that and I'm learning to do things from a thankful heart rather than an overwhelmed-by-life attitude, I am still not SuperMom.
It doesn't happen as often as it used to now that we got rid of "the punisher" (subject for another post), but I have yelled at my kids. And interestingly enough, since we got rid of that same thing, my house has gotten messier.
But here's the deal, I hear a lot from other women: "I don't know how you do all that you do."
I don't either, but I do know that it's not because I am SuperMom. Truth be told, I don't know how you do all that you do either. Know why? Because I am not supposed to know. I'm only supposed to be able to do what God has told me to do, not what you are doing.
And there's this jealousy and comparison thing that is rampant among women, Christian or not, and it is eating our lunch. It keeps us from connecting deeply and keeps us in a constant state of self-examination/self-deprecation that's neither healthy nor godly.
You see, God says to each of us: "Who have I called you to be today?" but if we're so busy looking at others to try to figure out who/what/why about ourselves, we are going to miss out on the greatest, most glorious, most fulfilling adventure on this planet: bringing God the most glory by being fully alive, fully engaged, fully the individual that God has created each of us to be.
I've suffered from this. I still suffer from it, less than I used to, but it still crops it's ugly head up.
But I'm determined to fight this thing off. I've decided that when jealousy whispers in my ear I'm going to ask Papa God what is it I'm lacking confidence in that He's wanting to speak to me about. I've decided that when I see someone gifted and talented in something where I feel I lack I'm going to bless that image-of-God-shining-through moment in her and quit wondering why I can't be more like that.
It is good to have role models, and it is good to look up to people and desire to emulate virtuous traits we see. It is not ok, though, to feel less-than or less-gifted or less-talented or less-amazing when we see the glory of God shining in someone's life.
You know that's what it is, right? Those things you admire in other women are glimpses into who God is as revealed in each one's unique expression. So when we walk in jealousy and comparison, we are missing opportunities to worship God for His goodness, His beauty and creativity, displayed through His creation.
Next time you see another woman (or, if you're a man reading this, apply it to your own issues with other men or encourage your wife or girl friends in this) and feel the urge to criticize her or yourself for not being more like her ask God these questions: "God, how is Your glory being displayed in her life? What characteristic of Yourself are You revealing to me through her?" and then worship. Worship God for Who He is and how He's created her to display His glory in this moment and time. Then ask Him, "God, how do I display Your glory best? What characteristic of Yourself are you revealing to others through me?"
I can't wait to hear what He tells you.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
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Good post!