Friday, December 31, 2010

Who We Worship

for the Essentials Blue In Worship Theology Course with Dan Wilt

The Trinity is one of the greatest mysteries and most important tenants of the Christian faith, and I am becoming more aware of how that Community and my understanding of it impacts the community I am a part of here.

As a worship leader, it is important to become “a prayerfully and thoughtfully informed Trinitarian” [1] through study and meditation of the character of God. I am reconciled to Father through the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

For most Christians who we worship is obvious: God. But by God, who do most Christians focus on? Father? Son? Holy Spirit? Depending on your particular church, you will probably find an emphasis leaning more towards one or the other, and yet to worship God is to worship all 3 Persons of the Godhead.

In the Trinity, each Person who “abides in the other, remains uniquely what He is…Each has a unique role to play in redemption and should be praised for His unique work. To lead the Church in worship, the worship leader must join with the persons of the Triune God in praising them according to their unique glory and work.” [2]

In the West, we tend to be very individualistic in our worship, in our faith practices, but God shows us the value of community by revealing it within Himself. It is not the Father alone, nor the Son alone, nor the Spirit alone. It is all Three working in community with each other: “the three persons, in perfect harmony, giving without reservation to one another, independent, bound together in love, all involved in a celebration of life, love, peace and joy.”

How does this play out in leading worship? First and foremost, I must choose songs that resonate the truth of the Trinity. The songs we sing are more often than not remembered far longer than the sermons we hear. As such, it is vitally important to choose songs and write songs that accurately depict the Triune God.

It also means that the way I participate in community will reflect my understanding and view of God as Triune. [3] Just as the Trinity works together without fear, competition, condemnation or shame, so I need to learn to live and work with those around me in a spirit of love not fear, being all I’m called to be while encouraging and supporting others in being all they are designed to be.

1 “Leading Trinitarian Worship” by Berten Waggoner, Inside Worship.
2 ibid.
3 “Who Is the God We Worship?” by Dr. Don Williams and Brenton Brown, Inside Worship.

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