Thursday, January 28, 2010

fully human - *eb week 3

For: The Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies, St. Stephen's University, Essentials Blue Online Worship Theology Course with Dan Wilt

creative. relational. just. spiritual.
not compartments or boxes
rather uncommon threads woven in and out
a tapestry of grace
bearing the image of the Master

recognition brings understanding
the creation
wholly reflecting
the creative
One who made me to be
like Him

in form and fashion
healing the sick
raising the dead
opening blind eyes
setting captives free
freedom for the oppressed

through music
and dancing
and art

through action
and service
and work

through parties
and gatherings
and meals

through prayer
and silence
and being

who He created

fully me
fully human


  1. Heather, I love your comments here 'tapestry of grace bearing the image of the Master'. The way you write is very prophetic and Holy Spirit inspired. Be encouraged that the words you write are such a blessing. Thank you.

  2. Rosemary,
    Thanks for your encouragement! I appreciate you taking the time to read and leave a comment.
