Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My friend Erin

I read my friend Erin' blog this morning and my heart filled with thankfulness for this one the Lord placed in my path many years ago - first as a youth in our church's youth group, then as a youth leader during my husband's youth pastor days, and now as a dear friend who walks through life with me.

This December we will be concluding 4 years of Mexico trips together.

The first one was during a season of transition for all of us, but particularly Erin. Erin had come home to Texas after spending extended time away doing various ministry-related jobs with YWAM, Flywheel, Muskoga Woods. She was uncertain where her next season would land her. Our church was in transition as we had a new pastor (Bob) and were working through the process of establishing relationships and learning how to do ministry together.

Bob decided to take a small team to Mazatlan, Mexico, and Erin signed up to go. So did I.

We were roomies, and she was the only person on the team who knew about my recently discovered pregnancy. We look to Emily's age to help us remember how long our church has been involved in Mexico.

Not long after that trip to Mazatlan, Erin and I began walking weekly together, sharing life's struggles and triumphs, discussing theological ideas, planning Mexico trips...and in the midst of walking, God built a friendship.

God, thank You so much for that.

There's so much more I could say about our Mexico trips together, the art symposium we spontaneously attended, Advent paintings, coffee...and perhaps one day those stories will be blogged. But for now, in an unpolished way, I just want to say how thankful I am for Erin, for our friendship, for the many ways she has led and pioneered how our church does missions in Mexico, for her consistency, her trust in Jesus, her willingness to think creatively...for the grace with which she walks out transition.

And today we will go shopping for shoes for kids in Mexico, and we will plan our last (or next-to-last, as they would say in Spain) trip to Mexico together. We will reminisce some about last year's shoe trip and think through ways we can improve and create a more fluid experience for the team we'll be leading. It will be memorable, I'm sure. And it will mark the end of one season for Erin and the beginning of a new one as she transitions into new things this next year.

Erin, I'm so glad you invited me to walk with you and look forward to the wonders this next season brings as you faithfully look to the One who has called you according to His purposes. It can't be anything but glorious.

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